Our Bridgeport Corps meets the basic needs of families and individuals in crisis through its Comprehensive Emergency Assistance Program (CEAP), consisting of an emergency food pantry, and the provision of rent and utility assistance. During the holidays, we also provide food baskets and toys for children, ages 12 and under.
In addition to meeting basic needs, we also offer Pathway of Hope, which helps families with at least one child under the age of 18 to increase their self-sufficiency, and GrandFamilies Together for kinship caregivers, ages 60 and over, who are raising their grandchildren full time.
We initiated Pathway of Hope in 2016. This initiative is a long-term approach to helping families who do not have the means to get ahead in life on their own. Through intensive case management, we provide the guidance, tools, and assistance necessary to support these struggling families along the continuum of growth to self-sufficiency. GrandFamilies Together was initiated in 2019 in response to emerging community needs.