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Help Children Return to the Classroom


When children start and stay in school, they gain the foundational skills that can prepare them for a lifetime of learning and a productive and healthy future. Schools protect children from harm, violence and exploitation, and can improve their nutrition and mental health. Children depend on school for a comforting and reassuring routine, which is essential to their sense of stability in their life.

Established in 2021, The Safe Back to School & Learning Fund, provides urgent funding to country programs and global initiatives that work to get children safely back in school. Since then, the Fund has distributed more than $7.4 million to 35 projects in 22 countries across Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. More than 2.75 million people have been assisted through a range of innovative projects that aim to dismantle the barriers to education for the most marginalized children.

Save the Children is a leader in providing education and learning to children affected by conflicts and disasters, and works to ensure that every child not only survives and is protected, but also has a guaranteed right to education and can pursue the life they choose.

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