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The Salvation Army - Jersey City, NJ Corps

par The Salvation Army Eastern Territory

The Salvation Army’s Jersey City Community Center has served the communities of Jersey City, Hoboken and Bayonne for over forty-three years. Our Childcare Center provides care to fifty Infants, Toddlers and Pre-School children. The After-School and Summer Camp provide Tutoring, Homework Assistance and Computer Lab to over eighty students. We also provide a Summer STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) to students age five to twelve. Urban youth are also provided with the opportunity to attend a Summer Sleep Away Camp. The Salvation Army also provides assistance to individual/families through it’s Basic Needs Program. The Basic Needs Program provides casework, food, clothing and furniture to those in need. The listed programs along with Women’s group, Music activities and special events all work together to provide a holistic approach that seeks to simultaneously address the physical, emotional, relational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of those we serve.

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