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The Salvation Army - Lancaster PA

par The Salvation Army Eastern Territory

The Salvation Army of Lancaster strives to provide a holistic ministry, meeting the need of mind, body and spirit through its multiple services in Lancaster County. Our Family Services provides emergency meals, financial counseling, referrals, clothing and utility assistance to those in need. Our community cares ministry visits thousands of individuals each year that include Nursing and Residential home residents, shut ins, those in hospice, and those who are disabled. New Beginnings is an in house single occupancy residential program for graduates of The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Centers. New Beginnings offers practical and spiritual guidance in helping these men as they begin their new journey in sober living. Pathway of Hope is a program specializing in assisting those struggling in the family dynamic, through one on one guidance and assistance in areas such as education, nutrition, financial literacy and other essential needs. These programs align with our Youth and Adult programs that include but are not limited to Christian education, music instruction, life skills, and general fellowship. With our Heart to God and our Hand to Man, The Salvation Army of Lancaster continues to complete Its mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

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