Ever since our beginning in 1992, arche noVa supports people who live in unstable situations, caused by crisis, conflicts or natural catastrophes. Be it in fast emergency aid missions, rehabilitation/reconstruction projects or long-term development cooperation operations – arche noVa works with local partners and involves the beneficiaries from the start, always following the organization´s fundamental principle: helping people to help themselves.
Water – the number one food – is ... Leggi tutto
Ever since our beginning in 1992, arche noVa supports people who live in unstable situations, caused by crisis, conflicts or natural catastrophes. Be it in fast emergency aid missions, rehabilitation/reconstruction projects or long-term development cooperation operations – arche noVa works with local partners and involves the beneficiaries from the start, always following the organization´s fundamental principle: helping people to help themselves.
Water – the number one food – is the main focus of our projects. Although, the right to access safe drinking water is now part of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights since 2010, there is still a great gap between theory and reality, mainly in the rural areas of the global South. More than 650 million people still fetch their daily drinking water from unsafe springs, puddles or streams, provoking severe risks for their health and well-being.
As a well-known expert in the fields of water, sanitation and hygiene, arche noVa is a trusted cooperational partner of the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and many internationally operating aid organizations. arche noVa is also a well-respected member in numerous national and international WASH (WAter, Sanitation, Hygiene) networks and alliances.
In Germany, arche noVa hosts the Saxonian competence centre for global learning and supports various global learning activities, like project days at schools, extra-curricular activities as well as adult education or teacher training projects.
Many people get into need by crises, conflicts and natural disasters although it’s no fault of their own. To support them is the objective of arche noVa since 1992. Here, means help to involve the affected people from the beginning to use their skills and to strengthen their independence. Worldwide, we work closely with local partners, in particular, to ensure sustainable access to safe water as well as prevention programs in hygiene and sanitation to contribute to the health of people in poor countries. Many of our projects are located at the interface between humanitarian aid and development cooperation. We support the affected population in the (re) building a stable water and sanitation supply. We include the affected people active in the projects through so-called cash-for-work programs and we support the people to create a new life through training programs.
WASH: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – a comprehensive aid package
To survive humans need water - but not alone clean water. Only those who have a proper sanitation on their disposal can be sure that the drinking water will remain in perfect condition. In addition, the hygiene plays an important role, as only the correct use of drinking water and wastewater makes an efficient health care possible. All three components together make WASH to a comprehensive aid package - and to our core competence.
As much high-tech as necessary – as much low-tech as possible
In our work we fall back on a "toolbox" with many high- and low-tech solutions. Their use will be adjusted exactly to the circumstances and requirements on-site. According to the principle: Sophisticated and expensive equipment is used only when it is absolutely necessary. This is the case for example, when speed is essential in disaster relief. Just as after the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. At a field hospital clean drinking water was required. arche noVa brought a reverse-osmosis treatment plant and built it within a very short time. But when we look for a long-term perspective, arche noVa developed simple, yet effective solutions. This was achieved for example after the end of the Iraq war in 2003. The rural population wanted a permanent water supply whose construction and maintenance can be done without outside help. arche noVa developed from traditional clay jugs Merkana filter, these ones filter with a layer system consisting of sand, gravel and coal the suspended solids, contaminants and microbiological organisms.
Local and sustainable – on-site and long-lasting
Water is always a local challenge. For us, it is important to note the local conditions and to actively involve the affected people. For all projects, the local people are involved in planning and in realizing the solutions. Who brings own work capacity and local materials to build a water supply and sanitary facilities, is motivated to take on responsibility for the maintenance. Whenever possible, we realize the formation of local water committees and train them specifically so that they can assume the long-term operation and the maintenance of technical installations. They are important supporters of the projects and guarantors for sustainability. They often give inspiration for further development of the communities. Their engagement lays the foundation for local self-determination and democracy. In the end, arche noVa tries to sharpen the awareness of the policy makers in the project areas about the precious resource water.
Quality assurance of the projects: Cooperation and Coordination
When it comes to disaster relief, coordinated acting is required. In contrast to the well-intentioned but inexperienced volunteers who travel spontaneously in crisis areas, professional organizations can arrange more effective help in consultation with each other. Due to that arche noVa always participates in so-called cluster meetings, which are established by the United Nations and local authorities. Clusters exist for all areas of humanitarian aid: from medicine to WASH. Even in Germany we can achieve more in cooperation. Therefore arche noVa is a member of Aktion Deutschland Hilft, a strong alliance of 18 German aid organizations. Competencies are concentrated and shared here. In some cases, it is also common to act together in the foreign projects. We are also used to work together with local organizations in our projects.Their knowledge of local conditions, cultural backgrounds and their contacts to local institutions make an efficient and sustainable work possible.
Find out more about us and our work on: www.arche-nova.org
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