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GlobalGives Helps Those Impacted by the Morocco Earthquake

Company campaign for Morocco Earthquake September 2023

Informazioni su Opportunità di donazione

270% Finanziato

US$ 27.073,22

Donati di US$ 10.000,00

On Friday, September 8, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Morocco. More than 2,400 people have died and it is estimated that another 300,000 are affected. The earthquake hit at 11 pm when much of the country was asleep. Some of the worst hit areas are remote and many of the roads to reach them are blocked and unusable.

It is Morocco’s deadliest earthquake in 60 years and it is the 3rd deadliest earthquake to hit North Africa since 1900. It has devastated communities in which houses of mud bricks, clay, and wood are reduced to rubble. It is estimated that more than 10,000 people have lost their homes and many, fearing aftershocks, are sleeping outside. There is a desperate need for food, water and emergency medical support.

GF has launched a relief campaign and made a donation of $2,500 USD to support those impacted by this terrible disaster. Employees who donate to this cause will also receive 100% in company matching. By donating to this campaign, you will support evolving needs, including shelter, food, water and other services as identified by organizations doing critical work in Morrocco. Your donation will also enable International Medical Corps to deliver emergency medical aid to people in crisis.

Cause in Opportunità di donazione

Morocco Earthquake - September 2023 di CARE

Atlanta, Georgia, 30303, United States

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