The Salvation Army of Western Pennsylvania wants to ensure everyone feels the special joy surrounding the Christmas season. This is why The Salvation Army provides thousands of children and individuals with Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, winter coats, clothing, toys and gifts at this time of year. One of the programs we use to accomplish the giving of toys and gifts as well as providing hope and Christmas joy to individuals and families in need is The Salvation Army Angel Tree Program. After ten years of “Giving Children a Christmas to Treasure” as the Treasures for Children program, we are excited to return to our Salvation Army roots and embrace the term Angel Tree once again.
Through The Salvation Army Angel Tree Program, donors become personally involved because they know each tag represents a specific child in need. The Salvation Army is able to identify families in need of assistance through its Worship and Service Centers, Services Centers, Service Units and referrals from other community organizations. During Christmas Assistance signups, a Salvation Army officer, case worker or trusted and trained volunteer interviews each parent/guardian to assess the needs of their family. The family must meet minimum poverty guidelines and the children range in age from birth up to and including 13 years of age. At this time, it is also determined if the family qualifies for any other available programs. The Salvation Army maintains confidentiality of all participants.
Tags with child information, are then distributed to local donors ranging from individuals to large corporations and all those in between. Donors are provided with a deadline for their unwrapped donations to be returned to The Salvation Army. After receipt of all gifts, they are sorted and distributed to the families we serve.
This program brings holiday joy to thousands of needy children during the Christmas Season all because of the hard work and generosity of our donors, willingness of our volunteers and dedication to constantly serve those in need as shown by our officers and employees.
How to Donate:
· Receive tags and buy toys for children in need within your community.
· Place a toy donation box at your place of business, church or apartment building for a general toy drive.
· Collect toys at an organizational meeting in November or December, a Holiday Dinner or other event.
· Raise funds through an ongoing fundraiser (i.e. Jeans Day at work) and make a financial donation.
· Participate in a Christmas in July Toy Drive.
How to Volunteer: A variety of assistance opportunities are available.
For referral to your nearest Salvation Army location and more information, please contact:
(412) 446-1500