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Polska Akcja Humanitarna|Polish Humanitarian Action


We are a Polish non-governmental organization operating since 1992. Since then we provided humanitarian and development aid to 16,5 milion people in 52 countries. At the moment we work in 10 countries in 3 continents: Poland, Ukraine, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan, Kenya and Madagascar. We respond in places where humanitarian crises break out: natural disasters and armed conflicts. We also work in countries affected by climate change. We provide immediate help to victims of sudden crises as well as development aid and reducing the risk of future disasters. With your help we can achieve more! Every donation makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

PAH started its work more than thirty one years ago in response to the war in the Balkans. In 1992 our organization sent its first humanitarian convoy to Sarajevo.
Since then we grew in size and developed our work all around the globe. We provided immediate aid for the victims of the escalation of war in Ukraine and developed our activities directed at internally displaced people in Ukraine and refugees in Poland.

Right now there are more than 250 people employed in PAH and ... Lire la suite

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